Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Section 7: Working with Styles
InDesign CS2 lets you create three kinds of styles: character and paragraph styles for formatting
text and object styles for formatting objects. In this section, you’ll learn about using styles to save
time and ensure consistency.
Using character and paragraph styles
Both PageMaker and InDesign CS2 let you save a collection of text formatting attributes in a
paragraph style. In addition, InDesign CS2 lets you define character styles, which you can use to
quickly and uniformly apply formatting to a range of text within a paragraph, and nested styles,
which let you assign character styles to one or more ranges of text within a paragraph. As with
paragraph styles, any changes you make to a character style or a nested style affect all text to
which the style is applied.
If you miss the default styles that are available in PageMaker, you can create a set of styles to use
in all new InDesign CS2 documents you create. To do so, close all documents in InDesign CS2,
and then create the styles.
You can create a style that is based on the formatting of existing text, or you can select options in
the New Paragraph Style or New Character Style dialog box. If the styles you want already exist
in another InDesign CS2 document, you can load those styles for use in your current document.
If there’s a naming conflict when you load styles from another document (e.g., the target document
already contains a style with same name as an incoming style), you can either overwrite the style
in the target document or auto-rename the incoming style. This feature works for object styles, as
well as paragraph and character styles. You can also import styles from Word and RTF documents.
Applying styles
The Quick Apply feature, new in InDesign CS2, lets you quickly search all character and
paragraph styles and apply a style to text. To invoke Quick Apply, choose Edit > Quick Apply
or use the keyboard shortcut: Enter (Windows) or Enter (Mac OS). When
the panel is displayed, enter the first letter or letters of a style to select it, and then press Enter to
apply it and close the panel. The Quick Apply feature also works with object styles.
Use the New Character Style menu (Character Styles palette menu > New Character Style) to create character
styles for quickly applying a set of character attributes.