Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
• In InDesign CS2, you can set a new default proxy point by deselecting all objects and picking a
new reference point on the proxy.
• The PageMaker Control palette includes an icon that indicates the type of object you have
selected (for example, a group versus a single object). The InDesign CS2 Control palette does
not have this icon.
The options displayed in the Control palette vary depending on the type of object you select.
For example, when you select a text or graphics frame, the Control palette displays options for
resizing, repositioning, skewing, and rotating the frame. When you select text inside a frame,
the Control palette displays options for adjusting text attributes, such as font, size, leading, and
baseline shift. To display character-formatting controls when text is selected, click the Character
Formatting Controls icon on the left of the palette; to display paragraph formatting controls,
click the Paragraph Formatting Controls icon.
When you select any part of a table, table options are displayed in the Control palette. As the
options in the Control palette change, you can get more information about each option using
Tool Tips—pop-up descriptions that display when you hover the pointer over an option’s icon
or label.
Saving custom workspaces
Many frequently used controls in InDesign CS2 are available in palettes, and several palette-
management features let you customize and optimize your work environment. For example, you
can dock a palette to the edge of your screen by dragging its tab the left or right edge. To dock a
grouped palette, hold down the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Mac OS) while dragging.
Clicking the tab of a docked palette alternately collapses and opens it. You can group multiple
palettes into a single tabbed palette, and you can separate a palette that’s part of a group by click-
ing its title bar and dragging.
If you become comfortable with a particular palette arrangement. You can save the current sizes
and positions of palettes on the screen as a custom workspace. The names of workspaces appear in a
Workspace submenu on the Window menu. You can edit the list of options by adding or deleting
a workspace. To save the current workspace, choose Window > Workspace > Save Workspace.
To display a custom workspace, choose it from the Window > Workspace menu.
If you want, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to a custom workspace. To assign a shortcut, choose Edit >
Keyboard Shortcuts. In the Edit Shortcuts dialog box, choose View Menu from the Product Area menu, and then
choose a workspace from the list of commands. (Workspaces are listed as “Workspace: Load 1st Workspace,”
“Workspace: Load 2nd Workspace,” and so on.) Click in the New Shortcut field, and then press the key combina-
tion you want to assign. Click Assign, and then click OK to close the dialog box.