Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Modifying keyboard shortcuts
InDesign CS2 provides a vast array of shortcuts to help you quickly maneuver through and alter
a document without using the mouse. The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box (Edit > Keyboard
Shortcuts) lets you pick from Default InDesign CS2 shortcut set, PageMaker 7.0 shortcut set,
QuarkXPress 4.0 shortcut set, and shortcut sets you create.
The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box (Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts) lets you use shortcuts for PageMaker or assign
custom shortcuts.
The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box lets you change the shortcuts for commands, add shortcuts
to commands that don’t have them, and save entire sets of custom commands. You can share
shortcut sets with other people using InDesign CS2 on the same platform. Tool tips provide an
instantaneous reference for shortcuts.