Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Adding custom guides
In addition to margin and column guides, both PageMaker and InDesign CS2 let you create
custom horizontal and vertical ruler guides and custom grids. InDesign CS2 has an additional
feature that lets you create sets of evenly spaced guides.
Like PageMaker, you can create a custom ruler guide in InDesign CS2 by clicking on the horizontal
or vertical ruler at the top and left edges of the screen, respectively, and then dragging the pointer
onto a page or the pasteboard. You can create two types of ruler guides: page guides, which appear
only on the page on which you create them, or spread guides, which span all pages and the paste-
board of a multipage spread. You can drag a page guide to the pasteboard to change it to a spread
guide and vice versa. A ruler guide is displayed or hidden with the layer on which it was created.
• To create a page guide, position the pointer on the horizontal or vertical ruler, and then click
and drag to the desired location on a page.
• To create a spread guide, click and drag from the horizontal or vertical ruler while holding
down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) key or drag the pointer onto the pasteboard.
A horizontal spread guide extends across all pages in the spread, as well as the pasteboard on
either side of the spread. A vertical ruler guide extends from the top of the pasteboard above
the spread to the bottom of the pasteboard below the spread.
Ruler guides in InDesign CS2 behave much like other objects. You can select a ruler guide by
clicking it with the Selection, Direct Selection, or Position tool, and you can select multiple
guides by Shift-clicking them or by clicking and dragging a rectangle that touches any part of one
or more guides. After you select ruler guides, you can modify them as you modify other objects—
move, delete, copy, and so on. You can also save commonly used sets of guides in a library.
Tips for creating ruler guides:
• To create a spread guide without dragging, double-click a specific position on the horizontal or
vertical ruler. If you want to snap the guide to the nearest tick mark, hold down the Shift key
when you double-click the ruler.
• To simultaneously create vertical and horizontal guides, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command
(Mac OS) as you click and drag from a spread’s ruler intersection to the desired location.
• To numerically reposition a ruler guide, select the guide, and then enter a value for x (for a
vertical guide) or y (for a horizontal guide) in the Control palette.
Creating grids
In PageMaker, you can use the Grid Manager plug-in to create an evenly proportioned grid within
an area of the page you specify. This feature lets you create rows and columns of any height and
width and automatically position guides to match your leading grid. In InDesign CS2, you can
create two types of nonprinting grids: 1) a baseline grid for aligning columns of text, and 2) a
document grid for aligning objects. On-screen, a baseline grid resembles ruled notebook paper,
while a document grid resembles graph paper. You can customize both types of grids.
To create a document-wide baseline or document grid, choose Edit > Preferences > Grids (Windows)
or InDesign CS2 > Preferences > Grids (Mac OS), and then specify the settings. InDesign CS2
grids work as follows:
• Gridlines are displayed on every spread and cannot be assigned to a specific document page or
master page.
• A baseline grid covers entire spreads, while the document grid covers the spread and pasteboard.
• The document grid can be displayed in front of or behind all guides, layers, and objects, but it
cannot be assigned to a specific layer.
• To show or hide the baseline grid, choose View > Grids & Guides > Show/Hide Baseline Grid.
• To show or hide the document grid, choose View > Grids & Guides > Show/Hide Document Grid.