Correct use, general safety instructions
Sensyflow iG, Version 1.00
42/14-39 EN
A copy of the operating instructions must be stored in a suitable place at the usage location of the device
at all times.
Read these operating instructions prior to commissioning, decommissioning, maintaining, or repairing a
The regulations, standards, and guidelines mentioned in these operating instructions are valid for Ger-
many. When using the devices in other countries the appropriate and valid national regulations must be
Notes and
regulations to be
– the contents of these operating instructions and references to other documents and their contents
– the safety instructions attached to the mass flow meter
– the application data indicated in the calibration certificate
– the appropriate and valid safety instructions for the construction and operation of electrical systems
– the appropriate and valid safety instructions for handling gases
– the regulations and directives regarding explosion protection.
During operation
The operator must commission a qualified electrician to inspect and examine the system at defined inter-
vals. The examination intervals must be chosen in such a way that any damages that can be expected
can be recognised in time.
The examinations must be performed at least every three years.
The examinations can be skipped if the electrical system is continuously monitored by a responsible en-
Duties of the operator:
– maintain the system in proper condition
– continuously monitor the system
– execute required maintenance and repair work immediately
– carry out required safety measures
If the devices are used in areas where dusts can cause explosion hazards, you must clean the devices
Use genuine spare parts, only.
Notice according to the German Hazardous Material Directive
According to the German Waste Disposal Act dated 1986-08-27 ((AbfG. §11 Special Waste) the owner
of special waste is responsible for its disposal. According to the German Hazardous Material Directive
dated 1986-10-01 ((GefStoffV, §17 General Protection Duties) the employer is also obliged to protect his
employees. Therefore, we must point out the following:
a) All flow sensors and/or flow transducers sent to ABB Automation Products GmbH for repair must be
free of any hazardous substances (acids, lyes, solutions, solids).
b) Flow sensors must be flushed and rinsed in order to neutralize hazardous substances. Flow sensors
have cavities. Therefore, the cavity must be neutralized after operation with hazardous materials (refer
to German Hazardous Material Directive, GefStoffV).
c) In case of service or repair the measures listed in a) and b) must be confirmed in writing.
d) Costs arising from increased efforts for handling of contaminated devices and the disposal of hazar-
dous substances during repair shall be invoiced to the owner of the device!