SEMOD114927-4 v7
The logic rotating switch for function selection (SLGAPC) (or the selector switch function
block, as it is also known) is used to get a selector switch functionality similar with the one
provided by a hardware multi-position selector switch. Hardware selector switches are used
extensively by utilities, in order to have different functions operating on pre-set values.
Hardware switches are however sources for maintenance issues, lower system reliability and
extended purchase portfolio. The virtual selector switches eliminate all these problems.
SLGAPC function block has two operating inputs (UP and DOWN), one blocking input (BLOCK)
and one operator position input (PSTO).
SLGAPC can be activated from external sources (switches) via the IED binary inputs. It also
allows the operation from remote (like the station computer). SWPOSN is an integer value
output, giving the actual output number. Since the number of positions of the switch can be
established by settings (see below), one must be careful in coordinating the settings with the
configuration (if one sets the number of positions to x in settings – for example, there will be
only the first x outputs available from the block in the configuration). Also the frequency of the
(UP or DOWN) pulses should be lower than the setting
Setting guidelines
SEMOD115063-294 v7
The following settings are available for the Logic rotating switch for function selection
(SLGAPC) function:
Operation: Sets the operation of the function On or Off.
NrPos: Sets the number of positions in the switch (max. 32).
OutType: Steady or Pulsed.
tPulse: In case of a pulsed output, it gives the length of the pulse (in seconds).
tDelay: The delay between the UP or DOWN activation signal positive front and the output
StopAtExtremes: Sets the behavior of the switch at the end positions – if set to Disabled, when
pressing UP while on first position, the switch will jump to the last position; when pressing
DOWN at the last position, the switch will jump to the first position; when set to
Enabled, no
jump will be allowed.
Selector mini switch VSGAPC
SEMOD158754-1 v3
SEMOD167850-2 v4
Function description
IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Selector mini switch
SEMOD158803-5 v9
Selector mini switch (VSGAPC) function is a multipurpose function used in the configuration
tool in PCM600 for a variety of applications, as a general purpose switch. VSGAPC can be used
1MRK 511 445-UEN B
Section 3
Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO
Application manual
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