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Figure 9-8: Default Advanced role access in RBAC PCCU32 Security Editor
All users and their roles are saved in an RBAC configuration file. This file is stored in the analyzer and
can also be saved on a local PC or laptop for use in other analyzers requiring the same security
configuration. This saves time when configuring multiple analyzers with the same security
When the RBAC security configuration is in effect, it restricts or disables any unapproved applications
and functions for the current user. Restricted applications and restricted functions are not visible on
the PCCU32 navigation tree. The
button is also grayed out on applications with read-only
NOTICE – Security override:
After RBAC is implemented, it overrides the switch-enforced
bi-level security.
Default access roles
Default roles are automatically available in PCCU32:
File Admin
The Administrator role has the highest level access rights to all functions. Administrators add users,
define roles, and save security configuration files to a PC or laptop. Expert, Advanced, and Basic roles
have decreasing levels of access rights. The File Admin role has the access rights of the Basic role plus
minimum rights required for sending and reading RBAC security files to and from an analyzer. The
security files can upload to multiple analyzers for implementation.