2101510MNA H | NGC820 0 AN D PGC 1000 US ER MA NUA L |
The analytical module comes in two configurations: 12 VDC and 24 VDC.
Figure 2-7: Analytical module
GC module
shows the GC module with the oven wall removed. The module has the following
components: columns, chromatographic valve, and GC module circuit board. The valve controls the
flow of gas within the system. The columns perform the separation of the gas into component parts
for analysis. The GC module circuit board contains the sensors for the carrier pressure regulators, the
sample pressure sensor, and the thermal conductivity detectors (TCDs) which detect the different gas
components as they leave the GC columns. It also contains an EEPROM or FLASH memory for storage
of calibration and characterization information of the module and its sensors.
Replacement of this component is by single bolt removal.
Figure 2-8: GC module
Analytical processor/manifold assembly
shows the analytical processor/manifold assembly. This assembly is equivalent to a
complete analytical module without a GC module. The manifold portion of the assembly is comprised
of the manifold plate, heater, valves, and various cables to other major components. The manifold
plate and heater maintain constant temperature for the GC module and columns. The valves control
the stream processing, carrier, and calibration gases. The cables complete the information chain from
the GC module to the analytical processor and the digital controller assembly.
On the bottom of the assembly is the analytical processor assembly. The assembly contains the
analytical processor board, shield and mounting plates, and mounting standoffs. The analytical
processor board provides real-time system control and measurement of the processes within the
analyzer. It does this by interfacing with the sensors in the GC module (and optional feed-through
temperature sensor) as well as controlling the carrier pressure regulator valves, sample stream
valves, the pilot valve, and the heaters. The data generated by the analytical processor is passed to
the digital controller board via a high-speed serial interface.