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The analytical processor board has two status LEDs used for troubleshooting. The red LED indicates
that the board is powered on. If the board is powered down by the digital controller, or has no power,
this LED is off. The yellow LED indicates that the analytical processor's CPU has initiated its program
successfully and is controlling its processes as directed by the digital controller. This LED should be
flashing at a frequency of 20 to 40 Hz during normal operation. If this LED is off or is on solid with no
flashing, then the software in the analytical processor is not running properly.
This is a field-replaceable part.
Figure 2-9: Analytical processor/manifold assembly
Digital controller assembly with VGA display
The Digital Controller assembly (
) contains the digital electronic board, mounting assembly
and a VGA display.
The digital controller provides control parameters to the analytical processor board and stores and
processes the data sent from the analytical processor board. The digital controller also processes
communication with other devices.
The digital electronic board features:
16 MB Pseudo Static Ram (Application) with lithium battery
32 MB NAND Flash Memory (Boot/Application/Storage)
4 MB Static CMOS Memory (Storage)
1 secure digital card socket (with up to 4 GB removable storage optional)
Figure 2-10: Digital controller assembly with display