Section 5. Programming
For 100 and 1000 call 2-tone encoding, select the format prompt “2 tonE”, then press
ENTER. Table 5.
shows and explains the prompts associated with this
Table 5. PROGRAMMING-4 Two-Tone Format Prompts
0 = Talk disable; 1 = enable. Talk time value set in System
0 = tone groups will be used for 100 call units; 1 = code plans will
be used for 1000 call units.
GP1= 1
When COdE = 0, this prompt requests the first tone group for a
100 call paging system. For group numbers, see Section 7,
"Motorola and GE Tone Group Frequencies".
GP2= 1
When COdE = 0, this prompt requests the second tone group for
a 100 call paging system.
PLN= 0
When COdE = 1, this prompt requesting the Zetron code plan
number (0 - 24) for 1000 call paging systems. For code plan
numbers, see Section 7, "Motorola and GE Code Plans".
1St= 0
Timing for first tone. The number entered will be the number of
100ms intervals (tone time X 100ms). A value from 00 to 99 is
valid. For timing information, see Section 7, "Two-Tone Timing".
GAP= 0
Timing of the gap between the first and second tones. The
number entered will be the number of 100ms intervals (gap time
X 100ms). A value from 00 to 99 is valid.
2nd= 0
Timing of the second tone. The number entered will be the
number of 100ms intervals (tone time X 100ms). A value from 00
to 99 is valid.
diAG= 0
Diagonal tone enable/disable. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
dur= 0
If the diagonal tone is disabled, this prompt sets the group tone
duration. The time is set in 100ms increments, the range is from
00 - 99.
This is the default diagonal tone frequency, and shows up when
diagonal tone is enabled. This may be set from 299 to 3001 Hz.
For diagonal tone information, see Section 7, Table 7-1 or 7-2.
A b=
This prompt selects placement of the diagonal tone. “0” selects
the A (or first) tone for diagonal tone substitution. “1” selects the
B (or second) tone for diagonal tone substitution.
Programming Example
Table 5.
is an example of the sequence of prompts and keystrokes for
programming the 2-tone paging format under leading digit “0”. The encoder will set up to
use the 1000 call Motorola code plan “P” and the standard Tone & Voice timing. The Talk
time will be used.