Section 1. Introduction
Each stack page in the Model 15P can hold approximately ten pager cap codes. If a
larger number of pages is needed in a stack, the encoder will allow you to string
stacks together by placing the number of another fixed stack in the last capcode
position of the first stack. The number of entries that can be programmed for a stack
depends upon the memory used by each entry, however, ten entries per stack is
approximately correct.
4. The Model 15P has a new format, not found in the 15B, called Custom DTMF. This
format supports DTMF code strings up to 10 digits in length. The pager capcodes and
timing are independently assignable for each page.
This manual is divided into seven sections, both to group similar topics together and to make it
easy to find information quickly once you start using the encoder. The sections are:
1. Introduction
A brief description of the Model 15P and its capabilities.
2. Specifications
An organized listing of the capabilities and specifications of the
3. Operation
This section describes the use of the encoder once it has been
installed and programmed. It covers how variations in
programming can effect the operation of the unit.
4. Installation
This section covers the interfacing of the encoder to its radio
equipment and how to make proper level adjustments to ensure
optimum performance while paging.
5. Programming
This section provides in-depth explanations and examples of how
to configure both the system and individual paging format
6. Repair
This section contains a list of the Error codes and their meaning. It
also contains the parts list and schematics for the unit.
7. Quick Reference
This section contains specific background information on the
various paging formats supported by the Model 15P. It includes
tables of tone frequencies and timings for the analog formats, as
well as capcode and message format information for the digital
display formats. This section is to be used as resource when
programming the unit.