Check the injection pressure
Check once every 500 hours.
The injection pressure should be checked periodically according to the intervals
shown in the maintenance table and adjusted if necessary. This check should be
carried out by our after-sales team!
The efficiency of the engine basically depends on the working condition of the
injector nozzle, so it must be maintained regularly to ensure its proper working.
The driver of the excavator should pay attention to the signs shows the injectors are
not working properly in order to better use the engine.
A. Single or multi-cylinder banging sound; B. Engine overheating; C. Decreased
efficiency; D. Darkened exhaust; E. Increased fuel consumption.
These signs may also be caused by the following reasons, so also do the following
checks first.
A. Poor intake and exhaust valve seals; B. Incorrectly adjusted fuel injectors; C.
Dirty or damaged fuel filters; D. Poor fuel quality; E. Water in the fuel; F. Dirty or
clogged air filter.
Vent air from fuel circuit
If air enters the fuel circuit after replacing
the fuel filter, disconnecting the fuel line,
cleaning the fuel filter, or by accidentally
emptying the fuel tank, the air should be
removed before restarting the engine.
Open the air vent screw on the fuel
filter holder.
Run the filler pump plug until there is
no air in the fuel flowing out of the vent screw.
Close the air vent screw on the fuel filter holder.
WARNING: The fuel pressure in the high-pressure fuel line is
sufficient to penetrate the skin and may cause serious injury. Gloves