IM WT1801-01EN
Vertical Position (Vertical Position)
You can vertically shift the displayed position (vertical position) of a waveform. This is useful when you want to
view the relationship between voltage and current waveforms, or when the section of the waveform that you
want to view does not fit into the display frame.
• You can select a value between 0.000 and ±130.000%.
• When the zoom factor is set to 1, a value of 100% corresponds to half the height (display range) of the
waveform display (which is three or six times the measurement range when the crest factor is set to CF3 or
CF6, respectively). The upper and lower vertical display limits of the screen are 100% and –100%.
Position moved
by 50%
Position moved
by –50%
• As shown in the figure below, when the zoom factor is set to a value other than 1, the upper and lower display
limits of the screen do not correspond to three or six times the measurement range (or to ±100%) when the
crest factor is set to CF3 or CF6, respectively. You must take the zoom factor into account when setting a
waveform’s position. In the figure below, the crest factor is set to CF3, the voltage range is 100 V, the zoom
factor is 2, and the vertical position has been shifted by –25%. The waveform is shifted by the same amount
that it
would be if the zoom factor were set to 1 and the vertical position was shifted by –50%.
Position moved by –25%
150 Vpk
300 Vpk
–150 Vpk
–300 Vpk
150 Vpk
225 Vpk
300 Vpk
–150 Vpk
–75 Vpk
n300 Vpk
Display range
When you want to zoom in on part of a waveform, we recommend that you take the steps below.
1. Set the zoom factor to 1.
2. Following the instructions in this section for shifting a waveform’s vertical position, shift the part of the
waveform that you want to view to the center of the display.
3. Set the vertical zoom factor.
10 Waveform Display