IM WT1801-01EN
Save Conditions (File Settings)
File List Display and Save Destination Settings (File List)
On the file list, specify the save destination for the measured data. You can set the storage medium to the
internal RAM disk or to a USB memory device. You cannot set the storage medium to a network drive. For
information about how to configure the file list display and how to operate files and folders, see “File Operations
If you set the storage medium to a USB memory device, when you remove the USB memory device, the
storage medium automatically changes to the internal RAM disk.
Automatic CSV Conversion (Auto CSV Conversion)
You can choose whether to automatically create an ASCII format high speed data capturing file (.csv) from the
high speed data capturing data file (.wts) and the high speed data capturing header file (.hds) that are saved
when high speed data capturing stops.
• When the storage destination is the internal RAM disk ([RAM-0])
A CSV file is created in the root folder of the USB memory device whose ID number is 0 ([USB-0]). An error
message appears when USB memory is not connected.
• When the storage destination is a USB memory device ([USB-0] or [USB-1])
A CSV file is saved in the same folder as the high speed data capturing data file.
The WT1800 will not create a CSV file whose size exceeds 2 GB but will instead create a CSV file for 2 GB
worth of captured data. To convert the data into a CSV file whose size exceeds 2 GB, use the file reader
software available from the following Yokogawa webpage.
Saved Items (Item Settings)
Select whether to store a numeric data item by selecting or clearing its check box.
Items for which there is no measurement data are displayed as “-------” (no data), and no data is saved for
Automatic File Naming (Auto Naming)
This is the same as the auto naming feature for saving and loading data.
File Name (File Name)
This is the same as the file name setting for saving and loading data.
Comment (Comment)
This is the same as the comment setting for saving and loading data.
16 High Speed Data Capturing