IM WT1801-01EN
Display Format (FORM)
Number of Vector Display Windows (Format)
You can choose the number of windows from one of the following options:
• Single: No windows. The data of vector (Item No.) 1 is displayed.
• Dual: Two windows. The data of vectors (Item No.) 1 and 2 is displayed. However, in the split display, the data
of vector 1 is displayed.
Turning the Display of Numeric Data On and Off (Numeric)
You can select whether to show (ON) or hide (OFF) numeric data. You can display the size of each signal and
the phase differences between signals. For information about phase difference display formats, see “Phase
Difference Display Formats.”
Display Item (ITEM)
Vector Number (Item No.)
Select the vector you want to set: 1 or 2.
Element or Wiring Unit (Object)
You can select the element or wiring unit to display from the options below. The available options vary depending
on the installed elements.
Element1, Element2, Element3, Element4, Element5, Element6, ΣA, ΣB, and ΣC
Setting Vector Zoom Factors (U Mag/I Mag)
You can change the sizes of the vectors. You can specify separate zoom factors for the fundamental waves U(1)
and I(1). When you zoom a vector, the value for the size of the peripheral circle of the vector changes according
to the zoom factor.
Setting the Zoom Factor of the Vector of Fundamental Waveform U (1) (U Mag)
You can set the zoom factor to a value between 0.100 and 100.000.
Setting the Zoom Factor of the Vector of Fundamental Waveform I (1) (I Mag)
You can set the zoom factor to a value between 0.100 and 100.000.
If the zoom factor is too large, the vector will exceed the display range and will not be displayed properly.
Reduce the zoom factor so that the vector is displayed within the display range.
13 Vector Display (Option)