IM PX8000-02EN
Setting the Reference Mode (Mode)
Set what kind of relationship must be established between the state condition B achievement time
and the specified reference times (Time or T1 and T2) for the PX8000 to trigger.
B < Time
The PX8000 triggers when the achievement time is shorter than the reference time (Time), and
the state condition changes from being met to not being met.
B > Time
The PX8000 triggers when the achievement time is longer than the reference time (Time), and
the state condition changes from being met to not being met.
B TimeOut
The PX8000 triggers when the achievement time is longer than the reference time (Time).
B Between
The PX8000 triggers when the achievement time is longer than reference time T1 and shorter
than reference time T2, and the state condition changes from being met to not being met.
3.13 Triggering on a Pulse Width Trigger (Enhanced)