IM DLM4038-17EN
Sets which detected point to display in the zoom window and queries the
zoom position of the detected point.
Queries the number of detected points.
Queries all skip mode settings.
Sets or queries the number of detected points that will be skipped in skip
Sets or queries how long searching will be skipped.
Sets or queries the skip mode.
Sets or queries search start point.
Sets or queries which window will display the detected points.
Queries all pulse width search settings.
Sets or queries the pulse width search level hysteresis.
Sets or queries the pulse width search level.
Sets or queries the pulse width search level polarity.
Sets or queries the pulse width search source waveform.
Sets or queries the pulse width for pulse width searching.
Sets or queries the pulse width search type.
Queries all serial bus signal analysis and search settings.
Aborts auto setup on a serial bus signal.
Executes auto setup on a serial bus signal.
Queries all CAN bus signal settings.
Queries all CAN bus signal analysis settings.
Queries all CAN bus signal analysis bus settings.
Sets or queries the CAN bus signal analysis bit rate (data transfer rate).
Sets or queries the CAN bus signal analysis recessive level.
Sets or queries the CAN bus signal analysis source.
Sets or queries the CAN bus signal analysis sample point.
Queries all CAN bus signal analysis result list settings.
Sets or queries the display mode for the CAN bus signal analysis result list. 5-157
Queries all items that will be displayed in the CAN bus signal analysis result
Queries all of the data for the specified analysis number in the CAN bus
Queries all CAN bus signal search settings.
Aborts the CAN bus signal search.
Executes a CAN bus signal search.
Jumps to the ACK Field in the CAN bus signal search result.
Jumps to the Control Field in the CAN bus signal search result.
Jumps to the CRC Field in the CAN bus signal search result.
Jumps to the Data Field in the CAN bus signal search result.
Jumps to the Identifier in the CAN bus signal search result.
Jumps to the SOF in the CAN bus signal search result.
Sets which detected point to display in the CAN bus signal search zoom
window and queries the zoom position of the detected point.
Queries the number of detected points in the CAN bus signal search.
5.1 List of Commands