IM DLM4038-17EN
Sets or queries the class of the device under harmonic analysis.
Queries all class D harmonic analysis settings.
Sets or queries the power value for class D harmonic analysis.
Queries all harmonic analysis result list settings.
Sets or queries the display position of the analysis result list of harmonic
Queries the items displayed in the harmonic analysis result list.
Queries all of the data for the specified analysis number in the harmonic
Sets or queries the harmonic analysis display mode.
Sets or queries the harmonic analysis grouping.
Sets or queries the harmonic analysis computation start point.
Sets or queries the power supply voltage for harmonic analysis.
Queries all Joule integral settings.
Sets or queries the on/off status of the Joule integral waveform display.
Queries all Joule integral automatic measurement settings.
Queries Joule integral settings.
Queries the normal statistical processing count of the Joule integral.
Queries a statistical value of a Joule integral.
Sets or queries whether or not a Joule integral will be measured.
Queries an automatically measured value of a Joule integral.
Sets or queries the measurement source window.
Sets or queries the center value for manual scaling.
Sets or queries the scaling mode.
Sets or queries the sensitivity of the center position for manual scaling.
Sets or queries the measurement time period.
Queries all power supply analysis input settings.
Executes automatic deskewing for power supply analysis.
Queries all current input channel settings for power supply analysis.
Sets or queries the deskew setting of the current input channel for power
Sets or queries the current input channel for power supply analysis.
Queries all current-to-voltage conversion ratio settings for the current input
channel probe for power supply analysis.
Queries all voltage input channel settings for power supply analysis.
Sets or queries the deskew setting of the voltage input channel for power
Sets or queries the voltage input channel for power supply analysis.
5.1 List of Commands