Configuration and Connections
1CN Pin No.
Reverse drive prohibited
(Reverse overtravel)
Connect to the appropriate forward or reverse limit switch signal
for linear or other types of drive. The signals are CLOSED during
normal operation and are OPEN when the limit switch is operated.
Forward drive prohibited
(Forward overtravel)
These functions can be canceled with user constant (Cn-0001 bits 2
and 3). Always N-OT or Always P-OT can also be set.
+24V IN
24 V
This is the power supply input for pins 7, 8, 9, and 10 of 1CN (I/O).
The user must provide the 24 VDC (50 mA min.) power supply.
The 12 V power supply can also be used.
Zero point return
deceleration LS
This signal is the deceleration LS input when the motor returns to
the zero point. The signal is CLOSED on the LS.
The polarity can be reserved with a user constant (Cn-0014, bit 12).
If it is-reserved, the signal will be OPEN on the LS.
External latch signal
This signal is the latch signal input for external signal. External
signal will be latched when this signal is CLOSED.
4.4.2 1CN I/O Connector Terminals
II I n p u t Signals and Their Application
Table 4.6 I n p u t Signals
I I n p u t Circuits
There are four types of input signals: Forward/reverse drive (overtravel) prohibited, zero point
return deceleration LS, and external latch signal. They comprise the input circuits that use the
24 V power supply (see
Figure 4.3).
The 12 V power supply can be used instead, but the power
supply is represented as "24 V" in the following descriptions. (The 12 V power supply provides
only half the current of the 24 V power supply.) See
Figure 4.1
for an example of connections.
The user must provide the 24 V power supply: 24 VDC ±1 V, 50 mA min. (about 7 mA per cir-
+24 V
— 7 mA
Figure 4.3 I n p u t Circuit Configuration
P-OT and N-OT: Forward and Reverse Drive Prohibited
These inputs are used to stop the motor from forward running (counterclockwise viewed from
the load coupling side) or reverse running. If drive prohibited is not used, connect 1CN pins 7
and 8 to the external 24 V power supply, or invalidate function by setting user constant Cn-0001
bit 2, 3.
When overtravel is operated, the speed is set to zero in the internal circuit for emergency stop.
When the motor stops, set the clamp to zero. (The motor can also be stopped using user constant
Cn-0001, bits 8 and 9.)