Safety Instructions
This manual must be accompanied when
the machine is transferred to others.
Explain the operating methods in details, and request the operator
to read the Operator’s Manual carefully before operation.
[If not]
It may cause death, irreparable injury or damages to the machine.
Study it seriously
Put the fire extinguishers in the designated places.
Check the fire extinguishers are under normal condition and
placed in the designated places before using the combine.
[If not]
It will be unavailable to extinguish the fire quickly if any.
Make ready the first-aid kit.
Keep ready the first-aid kit and write down the phone
numbers of doctor, medical aid station, hospital and fire
brigade nearby in advance.
[If not]
First aid may be delayed and personal injury be caused
in case of safety accident.
Be sure to perform the periodic inspection and maintenance.
Perform the periodic inspection, repair and maintenance of
all parts on a quarterly basis. In particular, the fuel channel
should be replaced every two years, and electrical wiring be
checked yearly.
[If not]
Accident, personal injury or mechanical failure may sometimes
be caused due to improper maintenance.