Manual 37259C
SPM-D11 - Synchronizing Unit
© Woodward
Page 63/79
Generator Frequency Monitoring
Generator frequency is monitored to ensure it does not exceed or fall below the threshold value. The watchdog
assigned to this relay is at terminals 43/44. The relay contact is a N.O. contact. When operating in normal opera-
tions the relay is continuously energized. If the monitored values leave the configured range, the relay will de-
energize, the contact will open, and the message "Gen. overfreq." or. "Gen. underfreq." will be displayed. If the
fault conditions exist for less than 1 second, the relay returns to normal operations. The fault message on the dis-
play may be cleared automatically or by pressing the "Clear" button (see chapter Auto Acknowledge Messages at
page 64).
Monitoring ON
Generator frequency monitoring
................ Generator frequency monitoring is enabled. The generator frequency
is monitored for overfrequency and underfrequency. The following
screens of this function are displayed.
.............. There is no frequency monitoring, and the following screens of this
function are not displayed.
Gen. overfreq.
f > 00.00Hz
Threshold value: Generator overfrequency
40.0 to 70.0 Hz
If the value of the generator frequency exceeds the value set here, an overfrequency
alarm is issued.
Gen. overfreq.
Delay time=0.00s
Generator overfrequency threshold delay
0.04 to 9.98 s
In order to initiate an overfrequency alarm, the measured frequency must exceed
and remain above the configured threshold without interruption for at least the time
specified in this screen.
Gen. underfreq.
f < 00,00Hz
Threshold value: Generator underfrequency
40.0 to 70.0 Hz
If the value of the generator frequency falls below the value set here, an underfre-
quency alarm is issued.
Gen. underfreq.
Delay time=0.00s
Generator underfrequency threshold delay
0.04 to 9.98 s
In order to initiate an underfrequency alarm, the measured frequency must fall be-
low and remain below the configured threshold without interruption for at least the
time specified in this screen.