For an engine with three turbochargers and one or two turbochargers are defective:
Make sure that the exhaust gas temperature at the serviceable turbochargers inlet is
less than the maximum permitted temperature.
If one turbocharger is defective, the maximum power output of the engine is
approximately 66% related to the power of the serviceable turbochargers.
If two turbochargers are defective, the maximum power output of the engine is
approximately 33% related to the power of the serviceable turbocharger.
For a DF engine, the engine can operate in diesel mode, gas mode, or fuel sharing
If all turbochargers of the engine are defective:
The maximum power output of the engine is at least 10% to approximately 15%
related to the power of the auxiliary blowers.
One or more cylinders are unservicable
Obey the rules for operation, if one or more cylinders are unserviceable:
Operate the engine only at decreased load.
It is possible that the turbochargers surge. This makes a loud sound and causes large
differences in the scavenge air pressure. In this condition decrease the load of the engine
It is possible that the engine had stopped in a position from which it cannot start. In this
condition start the engine momentarily in the opposite direction to get the crankshaft to a
different position.
Cooling water flow is decreased
If the cooling water flow is decreased, operate the engine only at decreased load.
Operation Manual
Start the engine - general
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
- 287 -
Issue 002 2018-11