A certain format must be adhered to when loading a logo.
A logo consists of a maximum of 18 lines, each with a maximum of
200 data bytes, and its horizontal position can be varied. It is printed
with 8 pins per line, whereby a dot that is to be printed is marked by
setting the corresponding bit to “1". The relationship between the
data bit and the printer head pins is defined in the control command
ESC * print graphic.
A sequence with a maximum of 18 control commands with line
numbers from 1 upwards, as well as the data bytes for each line, defines
the logo. A control command with the line number 0 is placed in front
of this sequence as a start command, and a command with the line
number 255 is placed after the sequence as a stop command.
The start command passes on a data byte which determines the hori-
zontal position of the logo. ND69 mode/EPSON mode: The contents of
this data byte determine the column number of the first column of the
logo in the printing area, beginning with 1. BEETLE/60 mode: The
contents of this data byte moves the start position of the logo a whole
character. If the data byte equals <01>H, then the start position is not
being moved. If moved too far over, it is possible in certain circum-
stances that the logo can no longer be printed in its entirety. The excess
data bytes are then ignored.
Missing lines in the control command sequence are left empty in the logo.
If a control command with line 0 is transmitted during a transmission
already taking place, the logo memory is erased and transmission is
restarted from the beginning. When line 0 and then line 255 are trans-
mitted, only the erasure of the logo takes place.
Logos are always defined in full-dot graphics, i.e. two consecutive
graphic columns are separated by an empty column.
(as for graphics of simple density, see ESC * with m = 0)
Here, in contrast to ESC/POS
standard (e.g. ESC *), the data field
length is indicated with the high byte n1 first, followed by the low byte n2.
for one-line logo:
start command (line 0 shift position = 01)
ESC & 03 00 00 01 01
< 1B 26 03 00 00 01 01>H
data transmission command (line 1)
ESC & 03 01 00 8C data
< 1B 26 03 01 00 8C Data> H
stop command (line 255)
ESC & 03 FF 00 00
<1B 26 03 FF 00 00> H
Control Sequences
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