Data Retention and Loss When Opening Cover
In BEETLE/60 mode, opening the cover during printing leads to a device fault. The printer
is then blocked and remains so until it is re-initialized. Prior to the new initialization, all
data which are in the reception buffer or are received by the printer are lost.
When the cover is opened during printing in ND69 mode and in EPSON-TM930 mode,
the current printing is interrupted at the end of a line. Subsequent data and commands
remain stored in the reception buffer. As soon as the printer is closed and is ‘on-line’
again, the printing that was interrupted restarts.
Data Retention and Loss at Paper End
In BEETLE/60 mode, when the print stop sensors have been set, a check is carried out
as to whether paper is present at the selected station prior to every line feed and/or
printing operation. If there is no paper there, a user error is issued. All further data and
commands are ignored until the error message is queried (see control sequence
ESC + 1 and ESC v).
In ND69 mode and in EPSON-TM930 mode, paper end is reported when there is no
paper present at the selected station. All subsequent data and commands remain stored
in the reception buffer. As soon as paper is present and the printer is ‘on-line’ again, the
printer runs from the point where the printing operation was interrupted. No data are lost.
Connecting Peripherals
Cash Drawer (CASHDRW)
The ND69 has a 6-pin mini-DIN jack for connecting a cash drawer. To prevent
malfunctions, make sure that the connector is plugged firmly into the socket. Power is
supplied to the cash drawer via this socket.
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