WIKA operating instructions pneumatic high pressure controller, model CPC7000
0019104001D 10/2018 EN
9.2 Recalibration
The CPC7000 automatically adjusts the pressure reading for the effects of temperature and non-linearity within the calibrated
temperature range of 15-45°C. The process is referred to as dynamic compensation because each reading is so adjusted before
it is output to the display or to a communication bus. Thus, a calibrated CPC7000 operated within its temperature band, and with
proper zero and span adjustments, will provide accurate pressure measurements.
The CPC7000 should have the calibration verified periodically to ensure stability. The recommended calibration interval for this
instrument is given in the Specifications section under “Calibration Interval” in Section 11.1.
9.2.1 Calibration Services by Mensor or WIKA worldwide
Mensor and WIKA worldwide have extensive experience and knowledge of Mensor products. Calibration of the transducers in
these products can be performed at the addresses below or by competent internal or external labs using the procedures in this
Service Center USA
Service Center Europe
website: www.mensor.com
tel: 1-512-396-4200
fax: 1-512-396-1820
email: [email protected]
WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG
website: www.wika.de / www.wika.com
tel: (+49) 9372 132-5049
email: [email protected]
Service Center China
WIKA China
website: www.wika.cn
contact: Baggio Li
tel: (+86) 512 6878 8000
fax: (+86) 512 6809 2321
email: [email protected]
9.2.2 Environment
For maximum accuracy, allow the CPC7000 to warm up a minimum of 15 minutes in ambient temperature within the compensated
range prior to a calibration. In addition, the instrument should be at rest on a stable platform that is free of excessive vibration and
9.2.3 Pressure Standards
Mensor recommends the use of appropriately accurate primary pressure standards when calibrating this instrument. Such
standards should be sufficient so that when the techniques of the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement
(GUM) are applied, the instrument meets its accuracy statements as required by ISO/IEC 17025:2005, or other applicable
9.2.4 Media
The recommended calibration medium is dry nitrogen or clean dry instrument air. A height variation between the standard and the
CPC7000 can cause errors. A calculation should be made to compensate for this difference. This compensation can be done in
Section 9.10 Head Pressure.
9. Maintenance and Recalibration