The LMCT-100 Wireless IR
Confi guration Tool is a handheld
tool for setup and testing of
WattStopper Digital Lighting
Management (DLM) devices.
It provides wireless access
to occupancy and daylighting
sensors for setup and parameter
changes, WattStopper Push n’ Learn™ (PnL)
technology for load confi guration, switch and
dimmer assignment and operating parameter
changes. The LMCT-100’s display shows menus
and prompts to lead you through each process.
The navigation pad provides a familiar way to
navigate through the customization fi elds. The
LMCT-100 allows modifi cation of the system
without requiring ladders or tools; simply with a
touch of a few buttons.
User Guide
Digital Confi guration Tool
Patents Pending
Sensor Configuration............... 4
Load Configuration (PnL) ..... 13
Daylighting Configuration ...... 17
Button Configuration ............. 78
Dimming Configuration ......... 85
Adjust Light Level .................. 90
Network Settings ................... 91
Utilities ................................... 70
Troubleshooting ..................... 73