No pushing
Indicates the maximum load you can place on
that item (for example, 10kg)
Serial number
Part number, catalog number
Audience and purpose
This guide is intended for individuals who install, operate, and maintain the column heater with
the active pre-heater (CH-A).
Intended use of the CH-A
Waters designed the CH-A for use in liquid chromatography (LC) applications. The CH-A is not
intended for use in diagnostic applications.
To calibrate LC systems, adopt acceptable calibration methods using at least five standards to
generate a standard curve. The concentration range for standards must include the entire range
of QC samples, typical specimens, and atypical specimens.
Quality control
Routinely run three QC samples that represent subnormal, normal, and above-normal levels of a
compound. If sample trays are the same or very similar, vary the location of the QC samples in
the trays. Ensure that QC sample results fall within an acceptable range, and evaluate precision
from day to day and run to run. Data collected when QC samples are out of range might not be
valid. Do not report these data until you are certain that the instrument performs satisfactorily.
December 4, 2019, 715005052 Version 02 (previously released as Rev.B)
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