Short side of hinge attached to MS-extension bracket
Long side of hinge attached to column-heater housing
Swing the column-heater housing, aligning it with the front of the mass spectrometer, and
examine the positioning to determine if the column-heater housing is at the correct height
for the mass spectrometer inlet.
If you must adjust the height of the column-heater housing up or down to align it with the
mass spectrometer inlet, perform these steps:
Remove the two TORX screws that secure the hinge to the MS-extension bracket.
Figure 2–19: Removing the screws that secure the hinge to the MS-extension
Remove these two TORX screws
Using the two TORX screws, attach the height-adjustment bracket to the MS-
extension bracket.
Figure 2–20: Attaching the height-adjustment bracket to the MS-extension
December 4, 2019, 715005052 Version 02 (previously released as Rev.B)
Page 33