Device Description 65
750-363/0040-0000 FC EtherNet/IP G4 ECO XTR
Version 1.0.0
Mechanical Strength
Table 31: Technical Data – Mechanical Strength
Vibration resistance Acc. to IEC 60068-2-6
Comment to the vibration resistance:
a) Type of oscillation:
sweep with a rate of change of 1 octave per minute
10 Hz
f < 57 Hz, const. Amplitude 0,075 mm
57 Hz
f < 150 Hz, const. Acceleration 1 g
b) Period of oscillation:
10 sweep per axis in each of the 3 vertical axes
Shock resistance
Acc. to IEC 60068-2-27
Comment to the shock resistance:
a) Type of impulse: half sinusoidal
b) Intensity of impulse:
15 g peak value, 11 ms maintenance time
c) Route of impulse:
3 impulses in each pos. And neg. direction of the 3
vertical axes of the test object, this means 18 impulses
in all.
Free fall
Acc. IEC 60068-2-32
≤ 1
m (module in original packing)
4.5.10 Software Compatibility
Table 32: Technical Data – Software Compatibility
Commissioning software
WAGO-I/O-CHECK 759-302
starting from version
Configuration software
WAGO Ethernet Settings 759-316
starting from version