154 Fieldbus Communication
750-363/0040-0000 FC EtherNet/IP G4 ECO XTR
Version 1.0.0
11.1.2 Configuration and Diagnostics Protocols BootP (Bootstrap Protocol)
The “Bootstrap Protocol” (BootP) can be used to assign an IP address and other
parameters to the head station of the fieldbus node in a TCP/IP network.
The BootP protocol can be enabled in the WBM on "TCP/IP" WBM page (the
option "DHCP" is enabled by default).
The protocol communication consists of a client request from the head station
and a response from the BootP server. If no BootP server is available, in the
default configuration the head station will periodically send client requests at
irregular intervals until a server responds.
The protocol sends a broadcast request on port 67 (BootP server) containing the
hardware address (MAC ID) of the head station. The BootP server receives the
message. It contains a database in which MAC ID and IP addresses are
assigned to one another. If the MAC address is found, a broadcast response is
transmitted via the network. The head station “listens” at the specified Port 68 for
the response of the BootP server. Incoming packets contain information such as
the IP address and the MAC address of the head station. A head station
recognizes by the MAC address whether the message is intended for it and, if it
matches, transfers the sent IP address to its network interface.
In contrast to DHCP, the head station keeps the IP address with BootP, as long
as it is not switched off. This means that the head station can only receive a new
IP address after the next power on reset (or a software reset).
IP addresses can be assigned via BootP under Windows and Linux!
You can use BootP to assign an IP address under the Windows and Linux
operating systems.
More information about IP address assigning with BootP
The process for assigning addresses using BootP is described in detail in the
section “Commissioning”.
The head station supports the following options in addition to the default “IP
address” option: