Quick Reference:
Programming & Diagnos�cs
2 /4 Hour Timed Start
This module has the ability to start the vehicle automa�cally at �med intervals. This feature can be useful in extremely
cold climates where star�ng the engine is the only means to keep the ba�ery charged and fluids warm. The factory
preset start �me is four (4) hours.
To select between two (2) and four (4) hour timers:
1. Press and hold the valet bu�on.
2. Cycle the vehicle's Igni�on ON/OFF one (1) �me.
3. Release the valet bu�on.
4. Within ten (10) seconds, press and release the valet bu�on two (2) or four (4) �mes.
The vehicle's parking lights will flash two (2) or four (4) �mes to indicate the �mer selec�on.
To activate two (2) and four (4) hour timer:
1. Cycle the vehicle's Igni�on ON/OFF one (1) �me.
2. Within ten (10) seconds, press and release the Start bu�on on the remote control four (4) �mes.
The vehicle's parking lights will flash four (4) �mes to indicate the �mer is ac�vated. The vehicle will automa�cally start
every two (2) or four (4) hours as programmed for a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours. To cancel 2/4 hour �mer mode,
start the vehicle using the remote control or the vehicle's Igni�on key.
Turbo Timer
This model is equipped with a Turbo Timer. This feature will automa�cally engage the remote start to keep the vehicle's
engine running. This will allow for the engine to properly cool down and circulate fluids though the vehicle's Turbo
Charger. The Turbo Timer dura�on must be selected in Feature Bank 3 before it can be ac�vated by the user.
To activate the Turbo Timer:
1. Start with the vehicle's engine running for at least fi�een (15) seconds.
2. Apply the vehicle's Parking Brake.
3. Press and release the valet bu�on two (2) �mes. The vehicle's parking lights will flash two (2) �mes for confirma�on.
4. Release and apply the vehicle's parking brake.
To use the Turn Timer feature:
1. With the engine running, ac�vate the vehicle's Parking Brake.
2. Release the vehicle's brake pedal.
To cancel the Turbo Timer feature, press and release the vehicle's brake pedal or use the Start func�on on the remote
control. To prevent the Turbo Timer feature from engaging, press and hold the brake pedal while setting the vehicle's
Igni�on to the OFF posi�on.
Silent Arm and Disarm
Program the Pres�ge system to arm and disarm without no�fica�on beeps. (The siren will sound if the system is
triggered while armed.)
1. Turn the igni�on ON then OFF.
2. Press and release the valet bu�on three (3) �mes. The system will respond with one (1) beep for ON or two (2) beeps
for OFF.