Feature 16:
Dome Light Delay Timer
Set the delay timer when using the vehicle's Dome Light as a door trigger.
Setting Choices:
• Option 1 -
OFF / Delay Timer will be OFF or use the programmed �me. See page 25 for dome light delay
programming procedure
• Option 2 - 15 seconds,
System will wait 15 seconds before monitoring the door trigger input.
• Option 3 - 30 seconds,
System will wait 30 seconds before monitoring the door trigger input.
• Option 4 - 45 seconds,
System will wait 45 seconds before monitoring the door trigger input.
• Option 5 - 60 seconds,
System will wait 60 seconds before monitoring the door trigger input.
• Option 6 - 120 seconds,
System will wait 120 seconds before monitoring the door trigger input.
Security Control (Bank 2) (Cont.)
See page 23 for Programming Instruc�on.
Detailed Descriptions:
Setup Op�ons
Feature 17:
Alarm Trigger Length
Func�on: Set the
length of time
Alarm Notification
will sound for each cycle.
Setting Choices:
• Option 1 - 30 seconds,
System will Alarm Cycle will sound for 30 second.
• Option 2 - 45 seconds,
System will Alarm Cycle will sound for 45 second.
• Option 3 - 60 seconds,
System will Alarm Cycle will sound for 60 second.
• Option 4 - 90 seconds,
System will Alarm Cycle will sound for 90 second.
• Option 5 - 120 seconds,
System will Alarm Cycle will sound for 120 second.
The system will check the trigger inputs between each Alarm Cycle. If the trigger input is s�ll ac�ve the system will
no�fy the user with another cycle.