4.11 Cooling System – water indicator;
5. Orientations on the Execution
5.1 Driver’s, second driver’s and passenger seats (adjustments) and
safety belts;
5.2 Internal and External Lighting;
5.3 Air inlet and Emergency Exit;
5.4 Heating System and Air Conditioner;
5.5 Rear-view Mirrors;
5.6 Door(s) – activation and emergency mechanism;
5.7 Fire Extinguisher (position and user instructions);
5.8 External Covers and Hatches;
5.9 Bus Body Painting;
5.10 Next Stop Request Button;
5.11 Spare Tyre, Jack, Wheel Wrench and Triangle;
5.12 Towing Pin;
5.13 Emergency Hammers;
5.14 Internal and External Conservation;
6. General Safety Regulations;
7.Daily Inspection – before starting the engine (ex., drain the water
and accumulated impurities in the primary filter, drain the brake pneumatic
reservoirs, check level of oil and fuel, cooling liquid, brake fluid, calibration of
the wheels).
IMPORTANT: Orientations on the benefits of this activity.
8. Important Recommendations for the Driver;
9. Economical Driving - factors that increase and reduce fuel
10. Breaking-in Instructions;
11. Engine Starting and Stoppage;
12. Instructions, Checks and Maintenance;
13. Specifications;