VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technical Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Base: kb.vmacair.com
Read the “Maintenance and Repair Safety” section prior to
performing any work on the system (beginning on page 47).
Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and follow all
industry standard safety practices.
Do not use compressed air or perform any other tasks around the
air filter and cover until both are replaced. Never clean the filter
element with compressed air as this may allow contaminates to
enter the compressor system. Always replace the air filter element
during this service.
Do not overfill the system. Overfilling the system with oil can flood
the sight glass window and make the system appear empty.
400 Hour / 1 year Service
Inspect the blowdown muffler (page 52).
Inspect the pressure relief valve (page 53).
Replace the air filter (page 54).
Inspect the drive belt (page 55).
Clean the area around the WHASP Tank and the oil filter to prevent
Remove the oil drain extension from its holder on the frame and drain the oil
into a container with a capacity of at least 4 L (1 USG) (Figure 35).
Figure 35 — Compressor oil filter
(some components removed for clarity)
Oil drain
Oil filter