Special Delivery
When you are away from the office, Special Delivery will call you at the telephone
number you specify (single attempt, no retry) to inform you when a new message
arrives in your mailbox. You enter your access passcode to accept message play.
You control Special Delivery by setting:
The telephone number where you can be reached (destination number)
Notification for all or only messages marked URGENT by your callers
The earliest and latest times to be notified
Passcode (your personal Passcode for mailbox access).
To turn Special Delivery on/off (see diagram on page 41):
1. At the Main Menu, press
to select Personal Options. (To reach the Main
Menu during message review, press
2. Press
for Personal Profile.
3. Press
for Special Delivery.
4. Press
to activate/deactivate Special Delivery.
If service is off, press
to turn on.
If service is on, press
to turn off.
To set/change your Special Delivery number
(see diagram on page 41):
1. At the Main Menu, press
to select Personal Options. (To reach the Main
Menu during message review, press
2. Press
for Personal Profile.
3. Press
for Special Delivery.
4. Press
to set/change Special Delivery telephone number (local or toll-
free only).
to keep this number. Press
to try again. When prompted,
enter your new Special Delivery number. If you wish to continue without
entering a Special Delivery number, press
Optional features may have a small additional monthly fee.
1) Pager access number (“digit string”) programmed by Verizon.
2) Pager Notification service must have local or toll-free access telephone
number from your office, including 1-800/1-888 numbers.
3) Pager Notification NOT compatible with voice-only paging systems or alpha-
centric-only pagers (digital/number capability required).
4) Pager Notification NOT compatible with pager companies that use a modem
access method for pager notification.
These services may have a small additional monthly fee
Additional dialing rates may apply (see page 9).
Reprogramming charges apply for pager number change.
Paging Settings
All Messages
Urgent Only
Main Menu
Personal Options
Personal Options
Personal Profile
Personal Profile
Paging Options
Paging Options
Paging Settings
Questions? Please call 1.800.483.2000