Vega’s C-
Phone Line Module (PLM)
Line Select Pushbutton:
A PLM will go off-hook when the select button is pressed. When a PLM line Select
pushbutton is momentarily pressed, that line is Selected and the previously Selected line is put on hold.
Line Select/call Indicator:
A red light on the line Select pushbutton will blink when a call is received, plus an audible
electronic ring is heard in the Unselect speaker. When Selected it will remain on. A green light will indicate that the
line is included in the Xpatch group.
Line-on-hold Indicator:
The red light on the Select pushbutton will flash when the line is put on hold. A line is put
on hold by selecting another phone line or by pressing the Select button. When a line on hold is Selected, the hold
indicator will stop flashing and remain on.
Unselect Pushbutton:
The Unselect pushbutton directly below the Select pushbutton, operates on a push-on/-off
basis and any combination of lines may be monitored through the front speaker. A red light on each Unselect
pushbutton will illuminate indicating which lines are being monitored.
Line Activity Indicator:
A green line activity light on the Unselect pushbutton will flash if the line is being
monitored or has been Selected and line activity is detected.
Release Pushbutton:
Directly below the Unselect pushbutton is the release pushbutton. When pressed for two
seconds an on-hook condition is generated and the call is terminated, and the line will reset. The red light on the
pushbutton will illuminate while the pushbutton is pressed.
Instant PTT Pushbutton:
The red light will not illuminate if the PTT pushbutton is pressed, the green light will
provide a visual indication that the line is off hook.
Unselect Volume Control:
Adjusts the speaker level of the individual monitored audio.
S e l e c t
U n s e l e c t
R e l e a s e
I n s t a n t P T T
V o l u m e
Red LED-will blink when a call is
received or put on hold and will
remain steady if selected.
Green LED-will light when the line
card is placed in an X-patch mode.
It will blink when it is the
controlling card in the X-patch.
Green LED-is the line activity
monitor and will blink when you
have activity on the RX
Red LED-will light when put in
Unselect monitor mode.
Red LED-will only light when press
to release the line.
Green LED-is not used at this time
Red LED-is not used and should
not illuminate when depressed.
Green LED-will light when the
telephone line is off hook.
Unselect Volume Control