Dropside body
Underfloor storage
Certain models feature five lockable
underfloor storage compartments.
For security, these can be locked with the
key provided.
To op en, pull latch a nd lower flap.
Upon closing, ensure the flap is pushed
firmly until it clicks audibly into place.
Dirt or mud whic h remains dry on the body
ma y become abrasive a nd can dam age
paint, seals, locks and hinges.
Clean the following pa rts of the drop side
body, if contaminated with dirt:
Sideboard and tailboard lock s, latches
and hing es.
Service operations
In conjunction w ith the Service items
detailed in the vehic le Service Booklet, the
following checks are additionally required :
Tail / sideboard latches and hinges:
check op eration.
Bolts and nuts of sub-frame mounting :
check tig htening torque.
Your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer will also
be able to adv ise you if additional Service
operations are recomm ended, depending
on the specific operating cond itions of your
These op erations ca n b e perform ed at the
same time and intervals as a vehicle
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