Service, maintenance
Top up anti-freeze. If no anti-freez e is
ava ilab le, top up with clea n ta p water.
If tap water is unavailable, distilled water
can be used.
After topping up with tap w ater or distilled
water, have the a nti-freeze conc entration
check ed, and anti-freeze a dded if
necessary. Seek the assistance of a
workshop .
When closing, tighten coolant filler cap as
far as it will go.
Coolant tem perature
For physical reasons, the engine
temperature gauge show s the coolant
temperature only if the coolant level is
adeq uate. See page 63.
During operation the system is pressurized.
The temperature m ay therefore rise to over
100 °C.
If the tempera ture gauge enters the
up permost zone, check the coolant lev el.
Coolant level too low:
Top up coolant. Pay strict attention to
the instructions given under “Anti-freeze
and c orrosion p rotection" and "Coola nt
level". Have the cause of coolant loss
rem edied by a workshop.
Where a substantial amount of coolant is
req uired, it will b e necessary to bleed a ny
trapped air from the cooling system.
Seek the assistance of a workshop.
Coolant level OK:
Hav e the cause of increased coolant
temperature remedied . Seek the
assistance of a workshop .
Brake fluid
Brake fluid level
Allow engine to cool d ow n before
removing coolant filler cap. Remove filler
cap c arefully so that pressure c an escape
slowly, otherwise there is a risk of
Caution - brake fluid is poisonous a nd
corrosive. Do not allow it to contact eyes,
skin, fabrics or painted surfa ces. Direc t
contac t may cause injuries and damag e.
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