Driving and operation
The fuel supply is automatically shut off
during ov errun, e.g. when the vehicle is
being driven down long gradients or
during b ra king - see page 98.
To enable the overrun cut-off to take
effect and save fuel, do not accelerate or
depress clutch pedal.
Corr ect gear selec tion
High revs increase engine w ear and fuel
Do not race your engine. Avoid d riv ing at
high engine speeds.
Driv ing with an eye on the tachom eter
saves fuel. If possib le, drive a t low rev s in
each gear and a t constant speed. Drive
in top gear as much as possible, shift up
as soon as possible and do not shift
down prema turely.
High speed
The faster the speed, the higher the
consumption and noise lev el. Driv ing at
full throttle uses up a g reat deal of fuel
and generates excessive noise a nd hig h
emission levels.
Slightly relea sing the accelerator ped al
results in distinct fuel savings with no
major loss of speed.
Drive at no more tha n approx. three
quarters of maximum speed and you will
use up to 50% less fuel, without losing a
great deal of time.
Tyre pressure
Inadequate tyre p ressure, leading to
higher road resistance, costs m oney in
two wa ys: for more fuel and increased
tyre wear.
Regular checks (every 14 d ays) pay off.
Electrical loa ds
The power consum ption of electrical
equip ment increa ses fuel consumption.
Sw itch off all additional consumers
(e.g. air c onditioning
, heated rear
) when they are no longer
req uired.
Roof racks
Roof racks can increase fuel
consump tion by approx.
3.5 gal./1000 miles (1 l/100 k m), due to
air resistance.
Remove them if they are not being used.
Repair and m aintenance
Improper repairs or adjustm ent and
maintenance work can increase fuel
consumption. Do not carry out w ork on
the eng ine yourself.
You may out of ignorance infringe
environmental law s b y not disposing of
materials properly.
Appropriate parts m ight not be rec ycled .
Contact with some of the materia ls
inv olv ed may p ose a hea lth haz ard.
We recom mend that repairs and
maintenance be entrusted to a Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer.
Extr em e d riving conditions
Driv ing up steep gradients, cornering,
driving on poor roads, and winter driving
all increase fuel consumption.
Fuel consumption increa ses dramatically
in urba n tra ffic a nd at winter
temperatures, especially on short trip s
when the engine operating tempera ture
is not reached.
Follow the hints given above to keep
consumption to a m inimum under suc h
cond itions.
Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com