Self-help, vehicle care
Bulb replacement
Before replac ing a bulb, turn off the
respective lig ht switch.
Only hold new bulb at base! Oil a nd grease
stains on the glass evaporate, ev entually
resulting in a dull reflector. Inadvertently
stained bulbs may be c leaned with a clean,
non-fluffy cloth, using alcohol or white
Replacem ent bulb m ust be in accordance
with d ata on base of defective bulb. Do not
exceed wa tta ge g iv en on bulb b ase.
Headlight aim ing
We recommend that head light a im ing be
carried out by a workshop, who will have
special equipment.
On vehicles w ith headlight range
adjustm ent, ca rry out headlight aim ing
with switch in position
Hea dlight dipped and ma in beam
1. Remove harness connector.
2. Remove rub ber sea l.
3. Release retaining clip and remove bulb.
4. Renew bulb and install retaining clip
ensuring tha t bulb is in correct
5. Install rub ber sea l and harness
Parking lig ht
1. Remov e bulb holder from light assemb ly
by rotating throug h 90º.
2. Renew bulb.
3. Install b ulb holder in light assembly.
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