Driving and operation
Fitting new tyres
New tyres should be fitted in p airs, or for
preference in sets. Make sure that both
tyres on one axle are:
The same size,
the same design,
the same make,
and have the same tread pattern.
Observe legal requirements w hen
disposing of tyres.
Some b ra nd s of tyres have a b eaded ed ge
for a lloy wheels, to protect ag ainst
damage. If wheel covers are used on steel
wheels with beaded-edg e tyres, the
following procedure must be followed:
Wheel covers and tyres that are
approved by Vauxhall for the respectiv e
vehicle and comply w ith a ll of the
relevant wheel and tyre c om bination
req uirements must be used.
If the wheel cov ers and tyres used are not
Vauxhall-app rov ed, the tyres must not
ha ve a beaded edge.
Tyre pressure
Check tyre pressures w hen cold, including
the spare wheel, at least every 14 days a nd
prior to any long journey. Don't forget to
check the spare.
Tyre p ressures - see pa ge 169.
Increased pressure resulting from tyre
warm -up must not be reduced, otherwise
the pressure may drop below the
permissible minimum.
After hav ing checked the tyre pressures,
securely tighten the valve caps.
Use of unsuitab le tyres or wheel covers
could lead to sudden pressure loss and
thereby a ccidents.
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