Seats, interior
Inspection of belts
Check all parts of the belt system
periodica lly for damag e and function.
Replace damaged comp onents. After an
accident, have the b elts and triggered belt
tensioners replaced by a workshop.
Do not perform a ny alterations on the
belts, their anchora ges, the autom atic
retractors or the b elt buckles.
Make sure that belts are not dam aged or
trapped by sharp-edged objects.
Belt tensioners
The seat b elt systems incorporate b elt
tensioners. In the event of a front or rea r
impact the belt b uck les are pulled
downwards; the diagonal and la p belts are
instantaneously tightened.
Actuation of belt tensioners
The b elt tensioners must be repla ced a fter
activa tion b y a w ork shop.
The seat belts remain fully opera tional
even w hen the belt tensioners ha ve been
The belt tensioners a re operational only
when the control indicator is unlit.
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