Climate control
Air recirculation button
During ’normal’ operation, the heating and
ventilation and a ir cond itioning systems
use outside air, however, to p revent fumes
or unpleasant odours from entering the
vehic le when in stationary traffic, p ress
, control indicator illum ina tes
and air will be recirculated.
Recirc ulated air should only be used for
brief periods due to the gradual
deterioration in the air quality and increase
in humidity.
Air conditioning system
The air conditioning system is designed to
op erate in conjunction with the hea ting
and ventilation system to prov ide
maximum comfort under any w eather
The air conditioning system cools the air
and rem ov es moisture from it. It is
op erational only in tem peratures abov e
approx. +4 °C, w ith the engine running and
with the fan switched on:
Once activated the a ir conditioning system
is operated v ia the normal heating and
ventila tion controls.
To improve efficiency of the air
conditioning, always close the windows to
prevent chilled air from esca ping.
Switc hing on the air conditioning will assist
in windscreen dem isting.
In v ery hot temperatures, b efore switching
on the air cond itioning, allow hot a ir to
esca pe from the vehicle by opening the
When the system is sw itc hed on, at least
one air vent m ust be open so that the
evaporator does not ice up due to lack of
air m ov ement.
When the air conditioning is on, fuel
consum ption increases. Switch off the
system whenev er it is not required .
Ma intena nce
To ensure efficient performance of the a ir
conditioning system, it must be switched on
once a month for a short tim e, irrespective
of the weather and time of year (possible
only when outside temp erature is abov e
+4 °C).
Malfunctions in the system must not be
rectified by the owner; consult a workshop .
Press AC button - control
indica tor illuminates
Press AC button a gain
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