Driving and operation
The p ermissible carav an / trailer loads for
your v ehicle are given in the vehic le p apers.
Unless otherwise stated, they are v alid for
gradients up to m ax. 12%.
The p ermissible carav an / trailer load
should be fully utilized only by drivers who
are adequa tely experienced in towing
large caravans / trailers.
In higher elevations the engine output and
gradab ility may drop so that it may not be
possible for the permissible caravan /
trailer load s to b e fully utilized in
mountainous territory.
The a ctual caravan / trailer load plus the
actual Gross Vehicle Weight must not
exceed the maxim um perm itted towing
weight. For examp le, if the permitted Gross
Vehicle Weight is utilised, the carav an /
trailer load must only be used until the
maximum permitted towing weight is
rea ched. The maximum permitted towing
weight is shown on the identifica tion plate,
see page 162.
Coupling soc ket load
The coupling sock et load is the load
exerted by the caravan / trailer on the
coupling ball. It can be varied by cha nging
the weight distribution when loading the
caravan / trailer.
The maxim um perm issible coupling sock et
loa d for the towing vehicle, stated on the
label, should always be a im ed for,
particula rly in the case of heavy carav ans /
tra ilers. The coupling socket loa d should
never be below 25 kg.
In the case of caravan / trailer load s of
1200 k g or more, the c oupling socket load
should not be less than 50 kg.
When m easuring the coupling sock et load,
make sure that the draw bar of the loaded
caravan / trailer is at the same height as it
will be when the c aravan / trailer is coupled
with the towing v ehicle loaded. Particularly
important for c aravans / trailers w ith
tand em axle.
Rea r axle load during towing
When the carav an / trailer is coup led a nd
the towing vehic le fully loaded (including
all occupants), the perm issible rear axle
loa d must not be exceeded.
Tyre pressure
Increase the tyre p ressure on the towing
vehicle to the value specified for full load
(see page 169). Also check the pressure of
the caravan / trailer tyres.
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