Seats, interior
Using the belts
Fitting the b elt
Pull the belt out evenly from the retractor
and guide it across the body, mak ing
certa in that it is not twisted.
Insert the la tch plate into the buckle. The
seat b ackrest must not be tilted bac k too
far; the recommended angle of inclination
is approx. 25°. The lap belt m ust not be
twisted a nd must fit snugly across the
body. Tension the belt frequently while
driving by tugging the diagonal pa rt of the
Bulk y clothing prevents the belt from fitting
prop erly. The belt must not rest against
ha rd or fragile objects in the pockets of
your clothing (e.g. ballpoint pens, keys,
spectacles) because these could cause
injury. Do not place any objec ts (e.g.
ha ndb ags) between the belt a nd your
Upp er anchorage point
height a djustment
Do not adjust heig ht while driving,
slide adjuster up or down to d esired
Adjust height such that the belt passes
over the w earer’s should er and rests
aga inst the shoulder. It must not pass over
the neck or upp er arm.
On pregnant w om en in p articular the lap
belt must be positioned a s low as
possible across the pelv is in order to
prevent pressure on the abdomen.
Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com