Models 947, 948 and 960 Leak Detectors Operations and Service Manual
During operation, the LED functions are illuminated to indicate the operation being
performed. The definitions of the operations are as follows:
Illuminates when the vent valve is open. The LED is off
when the valve is closed.
Illuminates when the START button is pushed. Goes off one
second after the TEST LED illuminates, or immediately
when the VENT, HOLD, or NOT READY LEDs illuminate.
Illuminates when 947/948/960 is in test mode; either the
gross leak valve or the test valve is open. Otherwise, the
LED is off.
Illuminates when the ZERO button is pushed or when the
auto-zero sequence is performed as part of the
auto-calibrate sequence. Goes off one second after the
auto-zero sequence is completed or if the leak detector
goes into a not-ready condition. The ZERO LED flashes
when the signal falls below zero. The ZERO LED also
flashes during startup when the system is nulling the
Illuminates when the reject function is on and when the
leak rate reading exceeds the selected set point. Goes off
when the leak rate falls below the set point.
Illuminates if the machine is in the HOLD mode with the
test and roughing valves closed. The HOLD mode is
selected by momentarily pressing the VENT button if the
machine is in TEST. When in HOLD, pressing either the
START or VENT button launches the next operation.
Illuminates whenever a not-ready condition exists. The
particular error condition code, c0 through c9, is displayed
on the RANGE DISPLAY. See Table 3-1 on page 3-12 for
information on the error codes.
If the leak detector is in TEST mode, illuminates when the
AUTO CAL button is pushed, disabling all other front panel
push buttons, including START and VENT. AUTO CAL is
only functional when the leak detector is in TEST mode.
The machine returns to TEST mode at completion of the
AUTO CAL routine.
Illuminates when the standard leak test valve is opened.
This occurs when the STD LEAK button is pushed or during
the auto-calibrate function. Goes off when the standard
leak test valve is closed by pressing the STD LEAK button.
Not used.