Models 947, 948 and 960 Leak Detectors Operations and Service Manual
Manual tuning 4-5
Mass spectrometer leak detector G-8
Mass spectrometry principles G-4
Model specifications E-1
Model types and part numbers E-3
Monitoring leak rate with the service
pendant 3-16
MSLD technique G-4
Leak rate G-5
Mass spectrometry principles G-4
Simplified description G-8
Vacuum flow G-4
Non-volatile operating parameters C-5
Normal operating mode 3-7
Not ready condition code 3-11
Not ready indicator 3-2, 3-11
Numerical notation-exponential system,
definition of G-2
Oil level check 1-12, 4-32
Operating modes 3-3
Operating parameters
Command C-7
Internal C-2
Non-volatile C-5
Spectrometer C-6
Operation description 947 1-2
Operation description 948 1-3
Optional interface
O-rings 4-2, 4-13, 4-15, 4-18, 4-20, B-8
Parallel enable 2-11, 3-16
Parameter setup 3-3, 3-16
Parameters 3-3
Audio reject set points 3-5
Audio reject set points, enable / disable 3-5
Auto-range 3-3
Auto-sequencer 3-5
Calibrate 3-4
Calibrated leak value 3-4
Changing and viewing 2-9
Command C-7
Definitions 3-3
Internal operating C-2
Linear analog output 3-5
Log analog output 3-5
Manual range 3-3
Non-volatile operating C-5
Range 3-3
Range stop 3-4
Reject set points
Audio 3-5
Leak rate 3-5
Leak rate, enable/disable 3-5
Setting and display with service
pendant 1-10
Spectrometer operating C-6
ZERO 3-4
Power 1-11
Power connection
Principles of mass spectrometry G-4
Probe to locate leak G-6
Protocol (RS-232) B-1, C-1
Rate-of-rise, definition of G-2
Rear panel
Circuit breakers 1-9
Interface connections, optional 1-13
Operation (option) 2-11
Power connection 1-9
Serial ports (option) 2-8
Reject function indicator 3-2
Rough pump oil level check 1-12, 4-32
Rough time variable 3-6
Scheduled maintenance 4-3
Sealing with helium G-7
Sensitivity checks 3-12
Serial communications protocol B-1, C-1
Service block assembly 4-26
Service menu selection screen