Models 947, 948 and 960 Leak Detectors Operations and Service Manual
The ROUGH TIME variable determines the amount of time
that the leak detector is allowed to evacuate the test object
to the tolerable test transfer pressure. In AUTO
SEQUENCER mode, the 947/948/960 transfers into test as
soon as the tolerable transfer pressure is met. It does not
wait for the total rough time allotted if it is not required. If
the tolerable test transfer pressure is not achieved within the
pre-selected rough time, the system aborts the cycle and
goes into HOLD mode.
The ROUGH TIME value can be determined empirically
and should reflect the typical time required to rough the test
object to the tolerable test pressure. Failure to achieve the
tolerable test pressure within the pre-selected rough time is
an indication of a gross leak in the test object or test
fixturing or that the time allowed was insufficient.
The TEST TIME variable determines the amount of time that
the leak detector remains in test before it compares the
measured leak rate with the selected reject set point.
Sufficient time must be allowed for the leak rate reading to
stabilize before the system makes a pass/fail decision. This
is a function of the part configuration and the leak rate
specification. In AUTO SEQUENCER mode, the
947/948/960 remains in test for the entire duration of the
preselected test time.
When FINE TEST (normal operating mode) is used, the leak
detector automatically tests for gross leaks and then
transfers into fine test if no gross leaks are detected.
(nur Grobprüfung)
(Grobtestposition für große
Lecks wird gehalten)
The 947/948/960 Leak Detector uses the Contra-Flow
system, which has a gross leak manifold, allowing testing at
higher inlet pressure with reduced sensitivity.
When TRANSFER TO FINE TEST is set to NO, the leak
detector does not transfer into FINE TEST mode. This
feature is useful for qualifying parts that have an unusually
high rate of gross leak failures prior to fine leak testing.