To run regression tests with another outer tool:
perl tests/vg_regtest --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
--outer-tool=helgrind --all
--outer-args allows to give specific arguments to the outer tool,
replacing the default one provided by vg_regtest.
When an outer valgrind runs an inner valgrind, a regression test
produces one additional file <testname>.outer.log which contains the
errors detected by the outer valgrind.
E.g. for an outer memcheck, it
contains the leaks found in the inner, for an outer helgrind or drd,
it contains the detected race conditions.
The file tests/outer_inner.supp contains suppressions for
the irrelevant or benign errors found in the inner.
(C) Performance tests in an outer/inner setup:
To run all the performance tests with an outer cachegrind, do :
perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind perf
To run a specific perf test (e.g. bz2) in this setup, do :
perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind perf/bz2
To run all the performance tests with an outer callgrind, do :
perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
--outer-tool=callgrind perf
To compare the performance of multiple Valgrind versions, do :
perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
--vg=../inner_xxxx --vg=../inner_yyyy perf
(where inner_xxxx and inner_yyyy are the versions to compare).
Cachegrind and cg_diff are particularly handy to obtain a delta
between the two versions.
When the outer tool is callgrind or cachegrind, the following
output files will be created for each test:
(where tt is the two letters abbreviation for the inner tool(s) run).
For example, the command
perl perf/vg_perf \
--outer-valgrind=../outer_trunk/install/bin/valgrind \
--outer-tool=callgrind \
--vg=../inner_tchain --vg=../inner_trunk perf/many-loss-records
produces the files