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IMPORTANT! Read all the warnings and instructions. Failure 

to comply with the warnings and instructions may cause 

electric shock, fire and/or serious injuries.

Strict observance of these warnings with the use of personal 

protective equipment minimizes risks of accidents but does 

not completely rule them out.

Use the appliance as described in these instructions.

Do not use it for purposes for which it was not intended.

Store all warnings and instructions for future reference.

The term “power tool” in the warnings refers to the machine 

tools operated by means of (wired) connection to the electric 

power supply or battery (wireless).

1) Safety in the work area

a) Keep the work area clean and well lit.

 Overcrowded and/

or badly lit areas may cause accidents.

b) Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, e.g. 

in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or powders. 

Power tools create sparks which may ignite dust or fumes.

c) Keep children and unauthorised personnel at a distance 

when operating a power tool.

 Distractions may cause you 

to lose control of the tool.

d) Store plastic bags and packaging in a safe place.


can cause suffocation and must be kept out of the reach 

of children.

e) Use the tool in a well-ventilated area.

 Ventilation is neces-

sary for cooling the tool and for eliminating air impurities 

produced when working.

f)  Do not operate power tools outdoors in the presence of 

rain, fog, storms, high or low temperatures, or in damp or 

wet environments.

 Use under these conditions may result 

in electric shock.

2) Electrical safety

a) The plug of the power tool must match the socket. Never 

modify the plug in any way. Do not use adaptors with ear-

thed power tools.

 Unmodified plugs and suitable sockets 

reduce the risk of electric shocks.

b) Avoid bodily contact with earthed or grounded surfaces 

such as pipes, radiators, cookers and refrigerators.


your body is earthed, the risk of electric shock increases.

c) Do not expose power tools to rain, and do not use in 

damp or humid areas. 

Water permeating into a power tool 

increases the risk of electric shocks.

d) Do not wear out the cable. Never use the cable to tran-

sport, pull or disconnect the power tool from the power 

supply socket. Keep the cable away from heat, oil, sharp 

edges or moving parts.

 Damaged or twisted cables incre-

ase the risk of electric shocks.

e) When using a power tool outdoors, use an extension 

cable suitable for outdoor use. 

The use of a suitable cable 

reduces the risk of electric shock.

f)  Use an electric power supply protected by a circuit bre-

aker (RCD). 

The use of a suitable residual current device 

(RCD) reduces the risk of electric shock. Consult your 


g) The power supply must match the one specified on the 

power tool. 

An unsuitable power supply generates malfun-

ctioning and accidents.

h) Frequently check the power supply cable. Do not crush or 

tread on the power supply cable. 

A damaged cable causes 

electric shock.

i)  In case of doubt regarding electricity, consult an expe-

rienced technician. 

The unsafe use of electricity is very 

dangerous for yours and other people’s safety.

3) Personal safety

a) Always stay alert while using power tools, pay attention 

to what you are doing and use common sense. Never 

use the tool when you are tired or under the influence of 

drugs, alcohol or medicines.

 A moment of distraction when 

using power tools could cause serious personal injuries.

b) Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eye 


 Protection equipment such as dust repelling 

masks, anti-slip safety shoes, gloves, safety helmets, or 

ear protections reduces the possibility of personal injuries.

c) Prevent switching the appliance on accidentally. Make 

sure that the switch is in the off position before connecting 

the tool to the electric power supply and/or to battery 

units and before taking or transporting it.

 Carrying power 

tools with your finger on the switch or connecting them to 

the electric power supply with the switch in the on position 

can cause accidents.

d) Remove any regulation keys before turning on the power 


Any key or spanner left attached to a rotating part of 

the power tool may cause personal injuries.

e) Do not lose your balance. Always keep an appropriate 

position and balance. 

This allows better control of the 

power tool in unexpected situations.

f)  Wear appropriate clothing. Do not wear loose clothing 

or jewellery. Keep hair, clothing and gloves away from 

moving parts. 

Loose clothing, jewellery or long hair may 

get entangled in the moving parts.

g) If devices are provided for connection to equipment for 

extraction and collection of dust, ensure that these are 

correctly connected and properly used. 

The use of these 

devices can reduce dust-related hazards.

h) The user is responsible for any third parties, for any 

accident or damage to people or their property.


use causes accidents and damage.

i)  Never use with bare or wet feet/hands.

 Use under these 

conditions may result in electric shock.

l) The processing of materials which are hazardous to 

health must be in compliance with applicable laws.


Some types of dusts and materials such as metals, wood, 

paints, etc. are very harmful to health. Protect your and other 

people’s health using suitable protections and devices.

m)Do not touch any air cooling exhausts or vents on the 


The air generated can contain harmful residues, 

and small parts which are a hazard to the eyes and the 

respiratory tract.

n) Do not cover or insert anything in the cooling slots. 

Unsuitable ventilation of the power tool may start a fire. 

Accessing the internal parts may damage the tool and cause 


o) Do not use the power tool if the protections (screens, pa-

nels, doors, etc.) are open, damaged or missing.


installed guards protect your health and allow for safe use.

Summary of Contents for L1201

Page 1: ...SICUREZZA Istruzioni originali Sander Polisher L1201 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Original instructions ATTENZIONE Prima di usare l apparecchio leggete attentamente le istruzioni per l...

Page 2: ...2 A B 15 8 5 4 13 14 6 3 12 2 1 11 10 9 7 VALEX 36015 SCHIO VI ITALY MADE IN P R C 1 7 2 3 4 6 5 8 Velocit min 1 Max 3000 5 2400 4 2100 3 1900 2 1650 1 1450 min 1150...

Page 3: dannosi alla salute Salvaguardate la propria ed altrui salute adottando protezioni ed accorgimenti idonei m Non avvicinarsi alle feritoie di espulsione dell aria di raffreddamento L aria generata p...

Page 4: ...a personale non qualificato e non autorizzato dalla Ditta costruttrice pu generare seri pericoli ed annulla la garanzia c Richiedete solo ricambi originali L utilizzo di ricambi non originali pu compr...

Page 5: ...coppie di reazione o le forze di contraccolpo se si sono prese le necessarie precauzioni b Non mettete mai le vostre mani in prossimit dell acces sorio in rotazione L accessorio pu dare un contraccolp...

Page 6: ...raccolta separata negli appositi centri di raccolta o riconsegnati al venditore nel caso di acquisto di una ap parecchiatura nuova analoga Lo smaltimento abusivo dei rifiuti comporta l applicazione di...

Page 7: ...mentaneamente la rotazione dell albero motore premendo il pulsante pos 6 3 Avvitate a mano e a fondo il platorello pos 13 durante il fissaggio mantenere premuto il pulsante di bloccaggio albero pos 6...

Page 8: ...uesto potrebbe danneggiare gli oggetti in zona o provocare un incendio scoppio a contatto con elementi infiammabili Nelle operazioni di sbavatura mantenete inclinata la levigatrice di 15 20 rispetto l...

Page 9: ...pplicazione di sanzioni amministrative GARANZIA Il prodotto tutelato a norma di legge contro non conformit rispetto alle caratteristiche dichiarate purch sia stato utiliz zato esclusivamente nel modo...

Page 10: ...tioning and accidents h Frequently check the power supply cable Do not crush or tread on the power supply cable A damaged cable causes electric shock i In case of doubt regarding electricity consult a...

Page 11: ...y made or recommended by the tool manufacturer The mere fact that a part may be attached to the power tool does not guarantee safe operation c The rated speed of the part must be at least equal to the...

Page 12: ...r than and extending beyond the size of the sanding pad presents a laceration hazard and can become tangled causing a tear in the disc or kickback SAFETY WARNINGS FOR BUFFING AND POLISHING Do not allo...

Page 13: ...device 6 Disc holder shaft lock button 7 Gear box 8 Disc holder shaft 9 Rests and perforations for grip 10 Ventilation slots 11 Voltage indicator 12 Speed regulator 13 Backing pad for polishing sandi...

Page 14: ...with only one hand Do not use the sander polisher to cut or polish with abrasive discs Wear the personal protective equipment listed in the War nings chapter The item you are working on must always b...

Page 15: ...rised personnel out of the storage room DISPOSAL In order to protect the environment proceed according to the local laws in force Contact the relevant authorities for more information When the machine...

Page 16: ...16...
